From Rags to Riches in E-sports – On Joining the Teams

E-sports have been fighting for their status as official sports since they recruit numerous players each day and gain more and more popularity. Just like other reality sports which can be divided into individual and team sports, the gamers can perform at esports individually or as a part of a team. Gamers who are tired of playing individually and waiting for their chance to join some e-sport team may visit The Best UK Online Casino and have fun there. 

Here are some clues on what actions to take to play as a part of an e-sport team. 

How to apply

Firstly, individual players have to keep in mind that their e-sport applications are similar to job applications. The usual requirements are the following: having a long and substantial experience in playing a particular e-sport, applying for a certain position, being prepared to testify your skills and abilities. Esports teams function like companies, so if you live up to their final goal and show a certain level of competitiveness, you will be hired as a team member. 

Rank matters

Secondly, it is necessary to be ranked at the top of the target sports list. This means that you have to train as hard and as smartly as possible. What is taken into account is not only the frequency of playing but also the knowledge you gather during matches. In other words, you have to be effective to the same extent you are prepared to practice hard. Make a list of things you do well and the mistakes you usually make. Be critical of yourself and see what moves and techniques you can improve after each game. 


Thirdly, try to connect with other players as much as possible. The bottom line is to connect with and play against as many professional players as you can. Feel free to stream your games on platforms like Twitch or Discord, and tweet about a target e-sport from time to time. In this way, you will be visible to a vast number of players who will be eager to meet you and to warm up their fingers while playing against you. By connecting to this vast number of other players, you will be able to enter various leagues which can draw the team’s attention to you. 

Start your own team

This applies only in case you have a long experience of playing, recognized gaming skills, and a wide network of friends. If you participate in various tournaments constantly and expose yourself to other players, you will show the other players the necessity to collaborate with you. Also, it doesn’t mean that you have to become an expert to start networking. Be polite, open, and communicative, show a cheerful and friendly attitude, and in that way, you will easily find players for your potential team. Also, try to learn from others and feel free to ask them for some advice, and you are on a good way to create your own e-sport gang. 

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